Sunday, June 26, 2011

The only thing constant is change...

I'm battling a brutal headache this morning. Not sure of the reason, but I'm thinking it's allergies. Have to love Austin allergy counts....So, I decided to write and give my head a reason to hurt. 

Change. It can be a scary word. Depending on my mood, change can either something to look forward too or something to fear. I try to embrace change, especially when it's something that will better my life. Earlier this week I had a little dose of reality. I talked to a dietitian who really helped me out, and made me realize what I was forgetting when I signed up to be a life long participant in being a post op Gastric Bypass patient. I think it's normal to get lax. I think it's normal to forget. Whats not normal is to be ignorant to the fact that what I was doing just wasn't working.

I forgot that I was supposed to be getting close to 80-90 grams a protein per day. I forgot that I wasn't supposed to snack on dense high fiber foods (even if they are good for you) and fruits. My body isn't normal. Just because my stomach can tolerate small amounts of sugar, doesn't mean I should be eating it. So yesterday I instituted some change. I went shopping for high protein, low sugar, low calorie ALL NATURAL foods. It was challenging. This will definitely add a complex issue to my no preservative, all natural ingredients way of life. It's not impossible, but some sacrifices will definitely have to be made. Especially in the protein bar/protein shake department. I will say however that since Monday afternoon, just watching what I've been in taking, and being conscious of the protein, I feel great. What a change. Oh, and in 4 days I had lost 5 pounds!!! Finally! So I'll keep you posted on my progress! 

Additionally this week a great friend introduced me to a new blog,

Check it out! Gina has lots of amazing recipes and if you're a "Weight Watcher" she has all the caloric information listed as well as the points converted. 

Happy Sunday! 

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