Sunday, June 12, 2011


Happy Sunday bloggers!

Summer in Texas. As a native Chicagoan it's still something that I'm not used to, and honestly I'm not sure I will ever be! It's HOT HOT HOT in Texas!

After working a full day, then working out, then coming home sweaty and starving the last thing I want to do upon walking in the door is turn on that stove. All it does will make the house unbearably warm! It's a double edged sword though because when you're watching what you eat, you really do want to prepare your own food. This way you know everything that's going into your body. It's way better than going out to eat. Even if you order healthy at a sit down restaurant you don't know how much fat or salt the cooks are putting on that grilled chicken. Salt can also be used to mask the taste of food that's going bad.

Whats a healthy summer alternative to cooking in the stove? Grilling! Now, I'm the first to admit that we don't own a grill. That's something that will be changing here shortly because I LOVE grilled food. It's juicy, full of flavor and in my opinion one of the best ways to eat veggies! We have one on loan right now thanks to a gathering we had at the house last night, but when that one leaves, I will be purchasing one of our own. Oh, and I'm an old fashioned charcoal grille kinda girl! Check out Google for some natural "coal" options, but All Natural Charcoal seems to have some good natural grilling tips!

Last nights dinner consisted of kebabs of chicken, grilled peppers (red, yellow & green), zucchini (green & yellow), onions, garlic, tomatoes, & portabella mushrooms. My "sister in love" drizzled the veggies in grape-seed oil and seasoned them lightly with salt & pepper. (More pepper than salt, if you can! You can always add more if you have to but better to have too little than too much.) Also another good option for veggies if you want some additional protein, is too add a little crumbled feta cheese & fresh oregano. yuuuuummmy. I learned that trick from my June issue of Whole Living magazine!

I'm off! Have a good health day! :)


  1. I so so miss having a real grill- nothing personal, George Foreman, but yours just don't cut it! LOL! We're not allowed to have individual grills at my apt complex and the one for the whole complex...well, I don't know who else has been cooking what on it before me, so I'm a wee bit wary.
    Btw, Heath, I have to say that having had both charcoal grills and gas ones, the gas is WAY easier to clean up after and may be better for the environment overall (not sure about that, though - just my opinion).
    If you want a great grilling cookbook, borrow from the library anything by Chris Schlesinger. He owns The East Coast Grill here in the Boston area, and he has some AMAZING recipes. If you find some you like, google them and I'll bet you can find them for free!

  2. A really good friend of mine lives down the street so I bring the groceries and he does the grilling. Best option all around!
