Monday, June 13, 2011

An apple a day...keep those pesticides away?

You've always heard the saying..."An apple a day keeps the Dr. away..." Well, you may want to think twice if those apples are grown using conventional pesticides. 

Now, I know what you're going to is expensive. I won't lie, it can be, but there are tips and tricks on how to buy organic and to make changes, that won't put a hole in your pocketbook. Buying organics in season is a great way to stay on budget. 

Washing and peeling your produce can lower the conventional farmers pesticide residues, but not all the time. A good rule of thumb is if you eat the skin of the fruit or veggie those would be the best choices for your organic budget. So that's what I do. 

I've listed below the updated 2011 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen.  

Dirty Dozen 2011
  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Strawberries
  4. Peaches
  5. Spinach
  6. Nectarines (imported)
  7. Grapes (imported)
  8. Sweet bell peppers
  9. Potatoes
  10. Blueberries (domestic)
  11. Lettuce
  12. Kale/collard greens
The "Clean Fifteen" are fruits and veggies with the lowest levels of pesticides so there's no need to waste your money on organic versions.
Clean Fifteen 2011
  1. Onions
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapples
  4. Avocado
  5. Asparagus
  6. Sweet peas
  7. Mangoes
  8. Eggplants
  9. Cantaloupe (domestic)
  10. Kiwi
  11. Cabbage
  12. Watermelon
  13. Sweet potatoes
  14. Grapefruit
  15. Mushrooms 
**Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen taken from the 2011 report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG)

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