Sunday, August 22, 2010

You are what you eat!

Today, I thought, is THE day. The day to start a blog. It's not like I've had an uneventful day, and needed something to do, quite the opposite in fact. For the last 13 months I've been consistently busy and engulfed  in wedding planning, my own in fact, but I wanted a different kind of busy. I was sitting here, messing with Facebook and just thinking quietly to myself. So many thoughts going through my head, and I just wanted a place to write them all down.

As I sit here watching my 2 year old Staffordshire Terrier try to catch a fly buzzing around the window I think to myself that the old phrase "you are what you eat" is really true...then I thought, wow...that was a strange place to have THAT epiphany. That would mean my dog would be a fly, or something completely twisted like that.

I was thinking how much better I've been feeling, both emotionally and physically since I started my new life journey. How much better my body feels since I started eating whole grain and non enriched breads. How much stronger and empowered I feel since I started strength training, and working out on a regular basis and how much more informed I feel now that I actually read labels!

You are what you eat!

More times than not if I can't pronounce it, I won't eat it. Why on EARTH would I want to eat anything that has  'Natural Flavoring' in it? bugs, guts and naturally occurring chemicals are considered "natural". Nala, my dog, just caught and ate that fly... Does that put it in perspective for you?

Take baby steps. Start slow. Eliminate or change one thing about how you're eating now. Just one. You don't even have to give UP anything...yet, but instead how about drinking one more glass of water today than you did yesterday? How how about purchasing one fresh, in season, organic or local farmed fruit or vegetable that you normally cook from a can. Just small choices to start, can make the biggest difference. It's like a domino effect, and there is no guaranteed tomorrow, so start today!


*Some excerpts taken from Lynne's Health Highway:

1 comment:

  1. You continue to be an inspiration to me in so many ways, Heath! And to put my money where my mouth is, in honor of you tonight I have consumed my last... *drumroll please* COOL WHIP! That's right, following in your healthy footsteps I am going to give up the chemical-intensive treat! *mwah* Thanks for looking out for my body AND my spirit!
