Monday, August 23, 2010

What is Wellness?

For the last 12 weeks my office has been offering nutrition classes for their employees. It’s part of our company’s initiative to have healthy, happy employees. Do they know that mandatory 3 day weekends would help us achieve that goal too?! :)

Today our lesson centered on Wellness. The nutritionists definition of wellness was the perfect balance of Body, Mind and Spirit with a focus on the body. 

For me, my definition is the center of myself; my core, my joyous mental state and my low “badness level” as my favorite Disney Character Stitch likes to call it.

My body gives me clues if I’m feeling unbalanced. I’m sluggish, irritable and my sleeping patterns are WAY off. I also find myself wanting to eat poorly when I’m unbalanced. I’m not as diligent on the label reading or I tend to eat out a lot. I’m also more app to choose that unhealthy item from the center of the grocery store rather than shopping the perimeter. We'll talk about shopping the perimeter in a later post. 

Good thing is, your body gives you clues when you're doing things good too! Have you ever noticed that when you practice wellness and focus on healthy eating you lean towards doing better things for yourself? Your mind is conscious and your body wills it to make smart choices and informational decisions. You have more willpower, more drive, a higher success rate at whatever goal you try and set for yourself. It's a wonderful feeling, you really should try it! 

Go, be well my friends.

**Company wellness talks provided by sCULPture Nutrition & Fitness,

1 comment:

  1. I know that when I am in balance, I have this sort of internal...zing, for lack of a better word. It's like an internal hum (not actually audible; just a feeling) that lets me know everything is working in sync. :)
